Preschool Program & Special Activities
Our curriculum includes experiences in the following developmental areas:
Language Development
The development of receptive and expressive language is critical in the early years. Sharing ideas at circle time, conversing with friends and teachers, listening to a story, asking questions, and responding to verbal instructions are all complex experiences which promote growth in language.
Creative Visual Arts
It's the process not the product that the budding young artist is concerned with as he or she explores the many ways to paint, glue, print, color, and assemble individual pieces of art. At Happy Hours, children are encouraged to discover their own creativity as they explore the endless possibilities that art materials offer
Math and Science Discovery
Children develop pre-math concepts and skills through hands-on manipulation of learning materials. Counting, sorting, and classifying pave the way to formal math. We learn about the physical world through our senses as we experiment with water and sand and observe the patterns and changes in nature throughout the year.
Socialization and Dramatic Play
Children love to pretend. Whenever they play house or office, firefighter or photographer, they are learning to understand their world while at the same time they are developing social skills with their playmates.
Music and Movement
Music is meant to be a moving experience. Young children respond to the melody and rhythm of simple songs and rhymes. They love finger plays because it makes them the tellers of stories not just listeners. At Happy Hours, we integrate music and movement into our daily program and have special music periodically.
Outside Program
Romping, climbing, and exploring in the great outdoors is an everyday part of the Happy Hours program (weather permitting)

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